Repost, How Vision Loss Can Affect the Brain, the New York Times

Re-Post How Vision Loss Can Affect The Brain, the New York Times, Studies suggest that  vision loss in older people who do not receive  vision rehab  can suffer from cognitive decline; losing language, memory,    attention and the ability to identify objects in space. The lead author  of one study, Bonnielin Swenor, John Hopkins Eye Institute […]

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How Universal Design Creates Inclusive Infrastructure, Repost from Bloomberg News

How Universal Design Creates Inclusive Infrastructure, Re-Post from Bloomberg News (and AER). This re-post focuses on a community of people with autism not vision loss, but it shows what can be done. Universal design is being promoted for infrastructure projects in the big Bill now in Congress. Universal design in public buildings, historic sites, medical […]

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Talking Meat Thermometers: Guest Post by Doug Rose, Accessibility Expert

Inviting family and friends for a Memorial Day dinner or barbecue is beginning to seem possible. Here’s a guest post from Doug Rose on talking meat thermometers with the details you need to cook perfect chicken and burgers: Doug:  I have used the ThermoWorks talking cooking thermometer, (ThermoWorks RT8400) for years. AMerican Printing House (APH) […]

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