Book: When You Can’t Believe Your Eyes


By Hannah Fairbairn


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I have written this first ever How-To guide for adults losing vision, because smart technology now gives many Americans new to vision loss access to all kinds of printed material including this book. From the start, or nearly, you will be able to use your smart phone, tablet or laptop to find out for yourself how to navigate the phases of loss and rediscover a satisfying life .

Using a smartphone with speech does mean learning different gestures, but if you can use a smartphone now it’s probably not a barrier. Or you may magnify the print  and change the background for optimal print reading.

As baby boomers age, more people are dealing with impaired vision. This is the first book written for you, the person losing sight. When You Can’t Believe Your Eyes tells readers how to get expert professional help, face the trauma of loss, and navigate the world using speech more than sight.

When you can’t see faces clearly, read small print, or drive, you lose some personal control. Simple tasks may begin with asking someone else to read a label or drive to an appointment. Encounters at a store, doctor’s office, or at a party can become awkward or painful. At first you may disregard what is happening or believe it can’t be permanent, but after a while you begin to wonder how you can go on being yourself!

This book has twelve chapters divided into short sections, describing how you can manage your sight loss and return to a full belief in yourself. I have consulted doctors, low vision specialists, vision rehab counsellors, teachers, and hundreds of people who are experiencing vision loss. The book lays out how to know what is happening to your sight and how to adjust to the loss of good vision so you can take control again.

Most of us who lose crisp, detailed sight can’t believe it is happening and disbelieve or deny it at first. It may be your friends, or professionals in vision rehab who read this book first. You may need some help to get set up, but I hope you will read it yourself, and find your way back to full adult status.

I have focused on practical, social, and personal recovery for adults who are losing vision. The book begins where you begin—at the doctor’s office or the hospital. Since vision loss takes many forms, there are suggestions for questions you might ask to get a clear diagnosis and the best treatment. Part One also has a description of legal blindness and possible prevention, advice about your job, and tips for life at home. Part Two is about believing in yourself as you deal with the loss, the anger, and the fear before you come up for air and consider training. Parts Three and Four describe using assertive speech and action in all kinds of settings as your independence and confidence increase. Interpersonal skills groups at the Carroll Center for the Blind and a focus group of former students contributed comments and stories to help make your encounters without good sight successful. Part Five gives detailed information about everything from dating, and caring for babies to senior living, volunteering, and retaining your job. You become a whole person again—informed, independent, and in charge.

When You Can’t Believe Your eyes: Vision Loss and Personal Recovery is Published in 4 formats by Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, IL.


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