Video about When You Can’t Believe Your Eyes: Part 2

This video is about Part 2 of When You Can’t Believe Your Eyes. The 5 parts of the book follow the phases of shock, grief and gradual adjustment people often go through after vision loss. This book is a resource and guide for people losing sight, their families, and close friends. And is available in 3 accessible versions plus print.

The first video about the book talks about my background andvision loss, how the book came to be written, and the wide range of contributors from ophthalmologists to seniors living with vision loss, a focus group of people who are legally blind, and many Vision rehab therapists.

The next video part 1 titled Believing the Unbelievable describes losing good vision, getting a diagnosis, the shock and disbelief which often arrive when you lose vision and some adjustments to daily life at home.

Today’s video is about PART TWO titled A New Life: Going Through Grief, Preparing for Change,

The shock of losing crisp detailed vision is hard to take in, but you may also recognize that you are losing adult power and competence if you can’t read print easily or drive

Maintaining belief in your own worth takes courage and persistence, so does Acceptance of the need to grieve this critical los. Acknowledging the loss allows you to separate yourself from the loss. Then you can consider making changes. Chapter 5 is all about what skills you can build in vision rehab at home or attending courses.


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