Reclaim Your Street Smarts: A New Electronic Device for People with Some Remaining Vision

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The Orcam

It’s expensive, revolutionary, and the first shipment has already sold out. It’s called the Orcam.

Notices, store and street names, and the faces of friends may all become identifiable again with the Orcam. As you may know too well, depending on your spouse or friend or a passer-by to assist you is a struggle. But how else can you find out the name of the store you are entering, or read a notice, or just find out where you are?

The Orcam is a new invention for people with a little sight. It arrived from Israel this month at a cool $2,500. But when any new-tech bugs are out (and hopefully the price gets more reasonable), it’s likely to be a breakthrough.

It has a tiny camera that attaches to your own spectacles or tinted glasses. When you point at something, it tells you what the object is through a “bone connection” to your skull, rather than an earpiece which would mask some of the sounds around you. It can read any text you point to. It can identify objects already in its memory, or which you put there – such as the faces of friends.

The Orcam is intended for people with some remaining sight, because the tiny camera has to be directed at the object or person you want identified.

The battery pack, which is big compared with the camera, is made to fit into a pocket (photo above). It connects with a wire to the camera, so there may be some inconvenience if you tug on the wire by mistake.

It’s too new for any consumer report. If you have handled an Orcam, tried one out, or purchased one, please tell us about it.

Here are two links for further information

First the website for a fuller description and video. OrCam – See for Yourself

And from the New York Times Israeli Start-Up Gives Visually Impaired a Way to Read –

2 thoughts on “Reclaim Your Street Smarts: A New Electronic Device for People with Some Remaining Vision

  1. This sounds very cool! What freedom it could bring to be able to recognize friends’ faces and read signs. Hope this technology lives up to its great promise.

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