WHEN YOU CAN’T BELIEVE YOUR EYES: VISION LOSS AND PERSONAL RECOVERY, a “How To” guide for people losing sight and their families is being published in July 2019, including accessible versions. This post is referred to in Chapter 12: Becoming a whole Person Again.
When you are coping with the loss of good vision the world outside is often emotionally draining as well as tough to negotiate. Your home too is full of barriers – information you can’t see, doors you bang into, and basic items you can’t find.
You will make changes so your home is accessible to you, with equipment you can use and entertainment you select. But that’s not all! Home has to become a place where there is beauty, stimulus, and pleasure – a rich environment that promotes your happiness.
The five ancient elements of space, air, fire, water, and earth are all accessible with or without good sight. Adding to your home environment with these five elements in mind will create a home that satisfies your senses – and your heart!
1. Space to move freely through your home without slipping, tripping or banging into furniture. Space around everyday objects so you can recognize them by touch.
Mental space to Keep your mind peaceful with exercise, prayer or meditation. Choosing the sounds – the speech and silence you want – at least in your own room. Listen to fun, beautiful or uplifting music and block intrusive sounds perhaps with a white noise machine. Sitting on a porch or working in the yard and enjoying birdsong, sounds of wind and rain, and the city around you
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3. Fire to cook good food on appliances that suit you, and perhaps crackling in a fireplace or fire-pit; sun shining on your face and warming your back. If you have useful vision installing lighting and blinds for clarity and comfort and decorating walls with colors and artwork you can appreciate
4. Water to drink a lot so you stay well hydrated; water enveloping your body in a shower or tub; an indoor
fountain splashing in the living room, in a hot tub, or even a swimming pool
5. Earth to grow scented plants indoors or climbing up the porch, growing herbs and maybe vegetables .
Building materials and textiles to touch with fingers and feel underfoot using Wood, tile, glass, metal and stone. Perhaps figures in stone or ceramics, mosaic tiles, Hangings rugs or quilts, textured or bright fabrics on beds, couch backs and cushions – maybe some of it your own work.
You will think of more improvements that suit your life and degree of vision. Enriching your home and outdoor space with more of these five elements will not just be a pleasure for you, it will enrich your home for everyone.