Dealing with Vision Loss in Your Partner, Parent, or Best Friend. This post published in April 2014 had had the longest -running comment section of any; the latest just last week!
All the comments are from partners of someone who has lost a lot of sight.
Partners of adults with vision loss do not have many resources and websites to turn to. This is why “Dealing with Vision Loss in your Partner…” has been attracting comments for over 6 years. I have just added a new section called “Partners” and guest posts from partners would be most welcome.
As it happens they are all women. These wives and fiancees talk of exhaustion; of trying to grab a little time for themselves; of driving their husbands to endless appointments; of loss of income and loss of enjoyment and much more.
There is of course an equal number of men including my own husband (then boyfriend.) They too have hidden their distress and given months and years of support.
is an excerpt from my book When You Can’t Believe Your Eyes, (check details below.)
Chapter 1: The Shock and The Docs, WHAT ABOUT THE FAMILY?
Loved ones will be under a lot of stress. Even if the loss of vision is only moderate there will be changes that affect them. If you are lucky enough to have family or friends nearby, they may be more than generous in their time and support. They may offer rides to medical appointments and stores, make phone calls for you, and help with bills and insurance.
Sight loss is tough, but partners and families are also struggling to cope. Their lives are changing too. They are carrying extra burdens and almost certainly feeling worn down.”
Comment on this post below, or the original . Or write a guest post about your experience as the partner.Share your knowledge with the rest of us!
When You Can’t Believe Your Eyes: Vision Loss and Personal Recovery, the first How To guide for people losing sight and their families was published in 2019. It is available on Amazon in print, and Google Play Books as an accessible eBook, NLS talking books (#DBC11619) and on Bookshare. Thanks to generous friends and family the eBook is also available free of charge. It can be read in regular or large print or as an audio book. Apply for accessible free copy here.
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Winner of the Outstanding Service to the Blind Award 2020 from Bay State Council of the Blind
When You Can’t Believe Your Eyes: Vision Loss and Personal Recovery, Available in 4 formats as well as free copies.
Here are 2 other posts for partners:
Dealing with Vision Loss in Your Partner, Parent or Best Friend
I urge you to discuss Charles Bonnet Syndrome — hallucinations many people with severe vision loss experience. The eye doctors don’t mention it. No informational brochures in waiting room. Sadly many people experiencing Charles Bonnet Syndrome are misdiagnosed with Alzheimer’s or other dementia and/or Parkinson’s Disease.
Yes, my husband had this for a few short weeks. Thankfully, that went away, as it was pretty freaky for him! He thought I was redecorating by painting purple flowers everywhere on the walls! We found out what was going on by googling the symptoms.
My husband thought everyone was about 2ft high. Then he saw cartoon figures on the walls. Happened very frequently at first but not so much recently.
Thank you Miriam. I will put up an article on the home page of http://www.VisionLossandPersonalRecovery.com soon. I would be grateful for any more comments. Hannah